Your Safety Is Our Number-One Priority

In the event of an emergency, dial 404-515-HELP (4357), not 911. Dialing this number will allow first responders to find your exact location.

For all other emergencies, please listen carefully to our Public Announcement System for specific life safety announcements.

If the fire alarm sounds:
If you discover a fire:
Medical Emergencies:
Safe Workplace Policy:

The Company strictly prohibits employees and all other persons, other than police officers in their official capacity or designated Security Department personnel, from bringing firearms or other weapons of any kind into Company property. Possession of a government‐issued permit for carrying a concealed weapon does not override the Company procedure.

The Company reserves the right to inspect all persons on Company property, their vehicles, possessions, packages, briefcases, computers and office space (including desks).

Other Emergencies

Tornado/Bad Weather: Move to an interior office away from windows

Violence against you: Evacuate the area. Listen for instructions.

External toxic gas release: Remain inside, make way to designated conference room – HVAC will be shut down

External biological hazard: Remain inside, make way to designated conference room – HVAC will be shut down

External radiological hazard: Remain inside, make way to the basement or centrally located conference room – HVAC will be shut down

Earthquake: Remain inside. Take cover under a sturdy object

Bomb Threat: Evacuate the building

You are ultimately responsible for your safety: